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Galaxy 3.0
Galaxy 4.0
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Library Class 4.0


Application Manager

The Application Manager manages multiple instances of Galaxy clients. It allows Galaxy applications to store application-wide attributes and manipulate global state.

B-tree Manager

The B-tree Manager is a general purpose disk— or memory-based database package. The B-tree Manager allows variable length keys and arbitrary data formats.


Button Manager

The Button Manager offers a way to create and manipulate, which are simple dialog items that have no internal state. Buttons can have a notification function, which is code that is called when the user triggers the button. Buttons can also dispatch commands to provide notification.


Class Manager

The Class Manager extends the C language with object-oriented capabilities normally associated with C++, such as subclassing overloading inheritance, polymorphism and class identification. The Class Manager includes a rich set of functions for defining classes, objects, methods, and inheritance using ANSI standard C. The Class Manager also provides some highly advanced additional capabilities, such as dynamic inheritance. The Class Manager enables developers working in C to take advantage of the dynamic capabilities of attributed objects and delegator objects.


Client Manager

The Client Manager registers procedures for the application and for other Galaxy managers to ensure that the application cleans up before shutdown.


Clipboard Manager

The Clipboard Manager offers a portable API to the clipboard mechanisms available to end-users and to internal clipboards such as the cut buffer in X Windows, for application use. Clipboards are implemented asynchronously to support network interactions between applications.


Color Manager

The Color Manager arbitrates the color requests of application programs with respect to the available display resources so that programs do not have to handle different types of display devices individually (such as monochrome, color-mapped, and direct color). The Color Manager supports closest-match and dithered colors to provide graceful degradation in sub-optimal color environments.


Combination Box Manager

The Combination Box Manager includes facilities for creating and manipulating a combination box, which is a dialog item that enables the user to pick a selection from a list of choices, defined by the application other user.


Command Manager

The Command Manager offers a uniform mechanism to interface command sources (including menus, buttons, icon bars, and inter-application messages) with application code. The application simply creates one or more dictionaries to map command identifiers into pointers to the application code that implements the command.


Communication Manager

The Communication Manager offers a flexible transport-oriented communications mechanism that isolates the application from details of lower-level protocols such as TCP/IP, DDE, ADSP, shared memory and named pipes.


Confirmation Manager

The Confirmation Manager provides a set of standard dialogs that depend upon the current look-and feel. The Confirmation Manager selects the labels, such as OK. Cancel, Apply, and Reset, and the layout of the dialog. A common set of notification functions are used for the different buttons, so application developers need not concern themselves with look-and-feel issues.


Container Manager

The Container Manager offers a user interface item that can contain other user interface objects. Geometry management is performed within the container. The container can also be used as an abstraction to implement reusable application components. The Container Manager is very useful for implementing a variety of advanced applications such as integrated computer-based training and active documents.


Control Manager

The Control Manager implements user interface objects with numeric values such as sliders, check boxes, and scroll bars. Custom controls may also be created using the Control Manager and the Galaxy classing mechanism.


Cursor Manager

Cursor Manager supports display cursors that consist of a source image, a mask, and a hotspot. Galaxy cursors may be arbitrarily sized and use any number of colors. Cursors can be scaled as needed to match the constraints of the underlying window system.


Datatag Manager

The Datatag Manager is used to create and manipulate application data descriptions called datatags, which are objects that describe the structure and contents of a piece of application data. Datatags allow application data to be easily converted to different representations and provide a portable description of data structures and contents that allow applications to share data with other applications using DAS.


Date Manager

The Date Manager provides a way to manipulate dates and times, including setting the current time, performing arithmetic with dates, altering the time zone, and representing dates and times in international formats.


Debugging Manager

The Debugging Manager allows debugging information to be embedded in application-level code and Galaxy code in a standardized fashion. Functions are provided to output debugging messages at various severity levels such as advisory informational, warning, and trace. Once debugging has bean compiled into the application, debugging messages can be controlled on a per-manager basis.


Dialog Manager

The Dialog Manager implements a Galaxy window that contains user interface objects such as lists, domains, and controls. The window is mapped to a window-system specific data type on a particular platform.


Dictionary Manager

The Dictionary Manager implements fast in-memory mapping between symbolic keys and arbitrary data. It is used extensively within Galaxy, and it is also available to client programs.


Domain Manager

The Domain Manager implements a two-and-uno-half dimensional plane of arbitrarily-sized objects called a domain. Domain objects are drawn by client-supplied code. The viewable area of the plane may be changed by scrolling or panning. Objects may be positioned by the user or by the client program.


Drag Manager

The Drag Manager offers a framework for implementing drag operations. A drag operation provides a graphical way of moving one or more items from one screen location to another.


Drawing Manager

The Drawing Manager implements a path-based drawing modal based on the Display PostScript imaging model. All user coordinates pass through a transformation matrix that can reflect arbitrary coordinate spaces. Special optimizations are provided for common cases, such as user paths and lists of rectangles.


Event Manager

The Event Manager provides the central event dispatching mechanism for Galaxy. Any number of input sources may be simultaneously active. The Event Manager also allows application—specific events and event sources to be created and managed.


Exception Manager

The Exception Manager offers a uniform method for all Galaxy managers (and the application itself) to generate and intercept exceptional conditions at any point within lhe procedure calling chain. The Exception Manager allows the application to perform accurate error detection and clean error recovery.


File System Manager

The File System Manager includes a platform-independent set of file system operations, including file and directory access and creation, directory lookup, symbolic link and alias manipulation, buffered file I/O, and byte-level file locking.


Font Manager

The Font Manager offers a uniform interface to the font resources of the current window system. The application makes a request for a styled font of any size, and the Font Manager satisfies the request as closely as possible. The Font Manager includes a closest-match font query mechanism and support for outline fonts. In addition, font scaling and rotation via the Plane Geometry Manager is provided.


Help Manager

The Help Manager gives a uniform interface to Galaxy’s context-sensitive help mechanism. Help text is actually displayed using the galaxy Help Server. Non-Galaxy applications can also use the Help Manager API to access the Help Server. Galaxy manages the interaction between the user and Help Server.


Image Manager

The Image Manager manipulates bitmapped images of any size, depth, a color encoding. The Image Manager includes built-in routines for image compression.


Installation Manager

The Installation Manager provides facilities that allow applications to locate their component parts (resource files, help files, and application-specific data files) after the application have been installed in the target environment. Facilities are also provided to locale other Galaxy applications and their component parts.


List Manager

The List Manager displays items in a fixed rectangular area, with horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars. Drawing can be done by the client program or by the List Manager using one of several standard list definition functions.


Look-and-Feel Manager

The Look-and-Feel Manager offers a centralized repository for the characteristics of particular look-and-feel standards such as Motif, OPEN LOOK, Macintosh, Windows, and OS/2 CUA. Other managers can query the Look-and-Feel Manager to determine particular look-and-feel characteristics. Custom user interface behavior comprising a new look-and-feel may also be defined using the Look-and-Feel Manager.


Memory Manager

The Memory Manager provides a consistent interface to memory allocation across multiple platforms. The Memory Manager also performs block overwrite testing and memory leak detection when used in debugging mode.


Menu Bar Manager

The Menu Bar Manager controls a collection of menus. A menu bar is typically displayed as a single rectangular object or a row of buttons, depending on the look-and-feel.


Menu Manager

The Menu Manager manages individual pull-down and pap-up menus. Each menu consists of an array of menu items. Each menu item represents a single action that the user can perform. Hierarchical (cascading) menus. toggles, and radios are supported.


Name Manager

The Name Manager implements an efficient hashed storage scheme for large numbers of strings. The Name Manager is used heavily within Galaxy and it is also available to client programs.


Notification Manager

The Notification Manager offers a look-and-feel independent method of specifying an alert or notice. A common set of notification functions are provided and the Notification Manager places the appropriate buttons on the notice or alert dialog.


Number Manager

The Number Manager Utilities convert both integral and floating paint numeric values to strings or vice-versa. The Number Manager defines a set of these data structures that are internationalized to the current locale, as well as providing facilities to modify these and create new ones.


Plane Geometry Manager

The Plane Geometry Manager implements efficient geometric transformations on 3x2 matrices representing paints in two-dimensional space. Optimized geometric operations an rectangles and sets of rectangles are used whenever possible. The Plane Geometry Manager is used extensively by the Drawing Manager and is also available to client programs.


Preference Manager

The Preference Manager offers a consistent mechanism for applications to store per-user preference values. The Preference Manager allows default values to be supplied from anywhere in the window system environment. There is also an interface to window-system supplied resource/default mechanisms, such as .Xdefaults for the X Window System or the Windows 3.1 resource database system.


Printing Manager

The Printing Manager maps Drawing Manager operations into printable form variety of output devices, including PostScript printers. It supports an installable driver interface that allows developers to add support for other devices as needed. The printed output takes advantage of the highest available printer resolution.


Regular Expression Manager

The Regular Expression Manager allows applications to compile complex string expressions and then match strings against them.


Representation Manager

The Representation Manager provides the ability to create and manipulate generic data objects referred to as “scraps’ A scrap is a typed object which encapsulates a piece of data and the knowledge required lo access and interpret that data. Each scrap can implement one or more sets of methods that determine how data referenced by the scrap is accessed.


Resource Manager

The Resource Manager provides an efficient permanent storage mechanism for all object types used in the Galaxy environment, as well as application-specific object types. The Resource Manager generates compact binary files, which are stored in an architecturally-neutral portable form.


Session Manager

The Session Manager offers high-level abstractions for DAS service consumers and service providers to communicate with each other without explicit knowledge of the network.


Service Manager

The Service Manager is used to define DAS service providers, which are those parts of applications that export services for use by DAS service consumers.


Service Broker Manager

The Service Broker Manager provides a high-level interface for an application lo the DAS Service Broker.


Signature Manager

The Signature Manager provides means for type-checking data sent between service consumers and service providers with DAS.


Spin Box Manager

The Spin Box Manager is used to create and manipulate spin boxes, a control that allows a user to select a numeric value from a range using increment/decrement buttons or an associated text item.


Spring Manager

Spring Manager implements Galaxy’s geometry management mechanism to control the resizing behavior of windows containing user interface objects. The Spring Manager positions interface items and expand or contracts individual items based upon the available space. The Spring Manager is based on a spring and strut model (expandable and fixed connections) where objects can be connected to other objects or to the edges of the dialog.


String Manager

The String Manager includes low-level string creation and manipulation facilities for internationalized strings. The String Manager includes routines to convert strings between various character sets, such as ASCII, Unicode, EUC, and SJIS.


Text Manager

The Text Manager provides a multiple-font, multiple-style text field, which is suitable for anything from a single line of text to a large document file. Formatting and text management facilities are included. The Text Manager also manager display-only (static) text.


Timer Manager

The Timer Manager offers recurring and non-recurring timers that can he used to call registered event handlers at future points in time.


Undo Manager

The Undo Manager provides a framework for implementing undo and redo features in an application. It supports either the traditional last action undo/redo or unlimited multi-level undo/redo.


Window Manager

The Window Manager implements a Galaxy window based on the services provided by the underlying window system. Each window has a class that determines its appearance and behavior.

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